Forgetting fall all together, I want to think about warm weather, and what puts in the mindset of warmer weather than...anchors!
Here's a quick nail tutorial for anchors (which have nothing to do with fall).
What you will need:

(From left to right: blue & white nail polish, chains, rhinestones (of any color), and jewel picker)
Video tutorialStep 1: Prep your nail, make sure it's clean and clear with no sticky residue or dirt. Use nail remover to ensure cleanness.
Step 2: Start with your base! Paint all of your nail blue (or any color- red is good alternative). If you want the reverse effect, not shown in the video you can paint one hand blue and the other two and alternate stripe color- as seen in step 3.
Step 3: Begin painting on white stripes, just 3 stripes only (or however many your nail can hold). One near the top and the last near the bottom-leaving about 1/2 inches of space in between. (Like the example).
Step 4: Add a thick top/clear coat! This will not only make your nails look shinier and flashier but also allows an easier solution for the rhinestones to stick onto.
Step 5: Next stick on the rhinestones (large). You can use any colors but it you will would like to achieve the marine effect that we're going for I would use red, blue (lighter hues), or white.
Step 6: While the top coat is still wet, wrap the chain around the rhinestones. This gives them that marine-gritty effect we've been trying to achieve.
Step 7: For alternating fingers we want to achieve a plain yet simple beach-y look. We're going repeat steps 1-4, afterwords, we're going to add rhinestones instead of on each other side like step 5 were going to add them onto the side of our nail.
Step 8: Instead of adding more jewels and wrapping another chain, we're going to leave it as is, but feel free to continue with the video's instructions.
Step 9: Now placing your nail upside down, repeat steps 1-4 once again and make a small circle near the bottom (really the top) of the nail. Make sure you cut your chains accordingly.
- Next, make a line going up, but at a slant.
- Following after, make a 'C' facing upwards or on it's side.
- Then, near the circle cut a small piece of chain and lay it across the line, carefully.
- Lastly, add rhinestone (3) onto the side of the nail near the top, under the anchor or 'C'.
Step 10: Add a top coat and you're done!